Miami International Centre
3663 NW 21 St. Miami FL 33142
+1 202-669-4385
Info tickets
Cooming soon
November 2019
3663 NW 21 St. Miami FL 33142
Info tickets
November 2019
This November 2019, Sarrasani Circus presents "Graf Story", a magical story that narrates the love triangle between an illusionist, a doll and a singer and immerses viewers in an amazing evening as they taste gourmet dishes made by the chef of the Miami International Center. A show that comes as a surprise to viewers from all over the world with its combination of poetry, magic, humor, joy and music that evoke the origins of the circus. At the Miami International Center (3663 NW 21 St. Miami FL 33142). Get your tickets by calling 202-669-4385.
3663 NW 21 St. Miami FL 33142
Phone: 1 202 669 4385
Email: info@sarrasanicircus.com